Importing documents into a knowledge base

Many users land up wanting to import sentences in the Linguist rather than type or paste them in one at a time.  One way to do this is to right click on a group within the Linguist and import a file of sentences, one per line, into that group.  But if you want to import a large document and retain its outline structure, some application-specific use of the Linguist APIs may be the way to go.

We’ve written up how to import a whole web site  on California Sales & Use Tax:

Affiliate Transactions covered by The Federal Reserve Act (Regulation W)

Benjamin Grosof, co-founder of Coherent Knowledge Systems, is also involved with developing a standard ontology for the financial services industry (i.e., FIBO).  In the course of working on FIBO, he is developing a demonstration of defeasible logic concerning Regulation W of the The Federal Reserve Act.  Regulation W specifies which transactions involving banks and their affiliates are prohibited under Section 23A of the Act.  In the course of doing this, there are various documents which are being captured within the Linguist™ platform.  This is a brief note of how those documents can be imported into the platform for curation into formal semantics and logic (as Benjamin and Coherent are doing). Continue reading “Affiliate Transactions covered by The Federal Reserve Act (Regulation W)”