In preparation for generating RIF and SBVR from the Linguist, we have produced an OWL ontology for the pertinent aspects of the SBVR specification.  We hope that this is helpful to others and would sincerely appreciate any corrections or comments on how to improve it.


2 Replies to “SBVR in OWL”

  1. Elisa Kendall and I have recently published a technical report on “Mapping SBVR to OWL”. See Our work is about converting SBVR vocabularies to “native” OWL ontologies, whereas the ontology referenced on this page seems to be an OWL ontology of SBVR concepts. Different purposes lead to different ontologies: “SBVR *in* OWL” versus “… SBVR *to* OWL”.

    As an example of the difference, we map an SBVR noun concept “car” to an OWL class also called “car”. The ontology referenced here apparently supports mapping the same noun concept “car” to an OWL individual that is an instance of the OWL class “is_a_concept”.

    Another difference is that we address only SBVR vocabulary concepts and capture rules mostly as annotations, whereas the ontology referenced on this page encodes rules as (combinations of) individuals.

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